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Mobile Clinics

Mass Casualty Evacuation Unit (MCEU)

In the face of disaster and crisis, the Royax Mass Casualty Evacuation Unit (MCEU) emerges as a pioneering solution, engineered to offer rapid response and critical care under the most demanding conditions. Our MCEU represents a commitment to serve and safeguard communities in times of need, providing a versatile and efficient approach to emergency medical assistance.

Mobile Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Royax is proud to unveil its Mobile Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a testament to our unwavering commitment to critical care excellence. This unit is meticulously designed to address the urgent needs of patients requiring immediate and intensive medical interventions, providing a beacon of hope and lifesaving care in the direst of circumstances.

Mobile Operating Theatre and Surgery Unit

Combining advanced medical technology with mobility, this unit provides essential surgical care. It is designed for harsh environments, such as war zones and disaster areas, and operates without interruption. Featuring a self-sufficient setup that includes a full recovery room, it ensures continuous care from stabilization to recovery. Outfitted with state-of-the-art facilities, this complete surgical suite on wheels is ready for immediate deployment.

Mobile Dental Clinic Initiative

Royax is thrilled to introduce Smile on Wheels, our pioneering Mobile Dental Clinic, designed to be a moving symbol of oral health and wellness. This innovative venture is set to change the landscape of dental care, especially in under-served communities, by providing crucial oral health services accessible to families regardless of their location.

Mobile Gynecology Clinic

By delivering accessible health services directly to communities, we provide comprehensive care that facilitates regular check-ups and empowers women with essential knowledge. Our facility features state-of-the-art medical equipment for a range of gynecological services. We ensure patient comfort and privacy, and our design prioritizes operational efficiency and hygiene.

Mobile Radiology Clinic

Offering unparalleled radiological services on-the-go, our setup boasts sophisticated imaging technology suitable for a wide array of diagnostics. Key features include mobile X-ray systems, high-frequency units, and advanced imaging software to ensure superior accuracy. Designed with patient comfort in mind, it includes amenities such as air conditioning and prioritizes safety with integrated security systems.

Mobile ENT Clinic

Providing top-notch ear, nose, and throat care directly to remote or underserved areas, our service is equipped with advanced medical technology and staffed by experienced ENT specialists capable of managing a wide range of conditions. We prioritize a patient-centered approach, offering personalized and thorough care, and are dedicated to minimizing wait times while enhancing access to expert care.

Mobile Ophthalmology Clinic

Bringing advanced eye care capabilities to remote and underserved communities, we incorporate cutting-edge technology and ergonomic design to provide comprehensive services. Our offerings are characterized by durability, functionality, and ease of use. Built to the highest standards, they enhance the availability of specialized eye care, thereby expanding healthcare’s reach and impact.

Mobile Cardiology Unit

Delivering comprehensive cardiac care to remote and underserved areas, our units are equipped with the latest medical technology for advanced diagnostics and procedures. These versatile units contribute to community health, emergency care, education, and research, significantly reducing treatment time and enhancing access to vital services.